Rev. Willie Chambers Jr. Pastor

Welcome to Mount Moriah Baptist Church

A Church where, We believe God is God, and his word is Supreme. Thus believing, Hebrew 11:6, Without Faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that Cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

CH THEME: Our church striving! To put Satan in the unemployment line!

James 4:7 and James 1:22

So, it is our endeavor to teach God's people how to have a faith, that demonstrates that kind of faith that can be pleasing to God,. So we invite you to come, and share in the Scriptures that opens God's Truth by the Holy Spirit, preparing us to seek the lost, and bring them in, that God might shower them in His Love, that empowers them for the work of the ministry.
We would love to have you share with us.

A Church with a God fearing Pastor, Deacons, and members are taught to spread the message of the Gospel of Christ,
through our living as we are taught that God is Ominpresent, and what we learn from that is, He is everywhere at the same.
time, and ever present in our lives. And as we go forth working in our environment through regular attendance of prayer and Worship God will get the glory as He brings them in through our labor of love in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Church is back, God is in Control.


I was glad when they said unto me , let us go into the house of the Lord

psalm 122:1